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Strong and Supple Shoulders

  • Urban Yoga Fort Worth TX (map)

The shoulder joint has the largest available range of motion of any joint in the human body. The question is, can you USE all of that range? This workshop is geared toward shoulder mobility, meaning there’s something for you whether you need to improve your range of motion, want to increase strength or control through the range you have, or just want some things to practice to make your shoulders feel better.

In this workshop we’ll talk about what contributes to healthy shoulder mobility, and I’ll share a simple approach to improve your mobility in general, as well as specific practices for working with your shoulder mobility, whether you want to make it a component of your yoga asana practice, general workout routine, or random breaks during  your day.

Workshop attendees will receive a written list of specific practices as well as a link to video demonstrations to help you make use of them at home.

Your instructor for this workshop is Dr. Tiffany Denny, a yoga instructor and physical therapist who has been helping people with movement for nearly 20 years. 

Earlier Event: February 3
Strong and Supple Hips
Later Event: June 8
Strong and Supple Spine