Ankle Armor Workshop - In Person
3:00 PM15:00

Ankle Armor Workshop - In Person

$55 Advance / $65 Day Of

Fortify your ankles and Achilles tendons for a strong foundation to all your adventures in the new year.

In this workshop, expect a practical primer on tendon and ligament health and function in the ankle, interspersed with useful, progressive strength and mobility work for the foot and ankle designed to promote constructive tissue adaptations as well as increased comfort and confidence in your ankles during activity.

Workshop attendees will also receive a follow-up handout with a list of the exercises we worked on and links to videos demonstrating how to do them.

Bring your curiosity and any questions you have, and we’ll see you there!  Space is limited, advanced registration encouraged, sign up HERE.

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2:00 PM14:00

Strong and Supple Spine

Strong & Supple Spine

Hosted by Dr. Tiffany Denny

Saturday, June 8 | 2-4pm | $60/person

Your spine is an incredible structure. It allows you to move your trunk when you need to twist or bend, and it’s part of the framework for your sturdy trunk when you need to hold steady. It tolerates and transmits a multitude of forces and motions every day, whether you’re reaching for that dog toy under the couch, moving furniture, playing your favorite sport, or rocking dancer pose. It’s easy to think of strength and mobility as mutually exclusive qualities, yet each is a component of the other! Your body needs to be able to produce force and tolerate force through various ranges of motion depending on the task at hand. Mobility is something that you can train both on and off the mat, and is a great approach to your movement work whether you want to gain strength, range of motion, or both.

In this workshop we’ll talk about what contributes to a spine that feels good and moves well, and I’ll share both specific, basic practices that you can do anywhere, as well as principles that you can apply to your chosen physical activities.

Workshop attendees will receive a written list of specific practices as well as a link to video demonstrations to help you make use of them at home.

Your instructor for this workshop is Dr. Tiffany Denny, a yoga instructor and physical therapist who has been helping people with movement for over 15 years.

Space is limited, advanced registration is encouraged.  Sign up HERE to reserve your space.

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2:00 PM14:00

Strong and Supple Shoulders

The shoulder joint has the largest available range of motion of any joint in the human body. The question is, can you USE all of that range? This workshop is geared toward shoulder mobility, meaning there’s something for you whether you need to improve your range of motion, want to increase strength or control through the range you have, or just want some things to practice to make your shoulders feel better.

In this workshop we’ll talk about what contributes to healthy shoulder mobility, and I’ll share a simple approach to improve your mobility in general, as well as specific practices for working with your shoulder mobility, whether you want to make it a component of your yoga asana practice, general workout routine, or random breaks during  your day.

Workshop attendees will receive a written list of specific practices as well as a link to video demonstrations to help you make use of them at home.

Your instructor for this workshop is Dr. Tiffany Denny, a yoga instructor and physical therapist who has been helping people with movement for nearly 20 years. 

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2:00 PM14:00

Strong and Supple Hips

It's easy to think of strength and mobility as mutually exclusive qualities, yet each is a component of the other! Whether you're getting up off the floor, putting luggage in an overhead bin, or competing as an athlete at any level, your body needs to be able to produce force and tolerate force through various ranges of motion. In fact, I consider good mobility as the capacity to produce and tolerate force through the necessary range of motion for any task. For instance, you may have the range of motion in your shoulders to get into the shape of down dog, but in order to do the pose you also need the strength to weight-bear in that shape. In the same way, you may be easily able to weight bear through your arms, but you will have trouble with down dog if you run out of shoulder or hip range of motion on your way to the pose. Mobility is something that you can train both on and off the mat, and is a great approach to your movement work whether you want to gain strength, range of motion, or both. 


In this workshop, you'll learn a simple approach to improve your mobility in general, as well as specific practices for working with your hip mobility, whether you want to make it a component of your yoga asana practice, general workout routine, or random breaks in your day.

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